
Donate to Growing The Table

Growing The Table provides an alternative to farms and ranches that are smaller, regenerative, organic, or owned or operated by either people of color or women. 

These farms or ranches typically operate at a smaller scale of production and, therefore, do not have the adequate volume to participate based on the incentives of the program. 

Growing The Table provides these underestimated farms and ranches with funding to purchase their excess supply at closer to the wholesale price of their crop, in order to make it possible for these farms’ produce to be donated to hungry California families. We also help cover the cost of logistics and transportation.

We need to Grow the Table
during this unprecedented crisis

COVID-19 has created a new Great Depression for millions of California families. 40% of Americans making less than $40,000 a year have lost their jobs, and millions of Californians simply don’t have money to buy food. 

Demand for food aid has increased eightfold in some of the hardest-hit communities. Lines of cars stretch for miles at distribution sites and food banks are scrambling to meet this tremendous increase in demand.

At the same time, farmers in the aggregate have seen their market decrease by 50%, leaving them with excess produce that may go to waste.

Special Thanks to Our Donors

Individual Donors

  1. Ann and Andrew Mathieson * - Marin Round II 

  2. Bob and Paula Reynolds * 

  3. Anonymous ** - Ojai Valley/Oxnard 

  4. Anonymous ** - Sonoma Round II

  5. Elizabeth Spokes ** - Oakland Round I

  6. Mark and Susan Stutzman ** - Fresno Round I

  7. Meridee Moore and Kevin King * - Fresno Round II

  8. Michelle Mercer and Bruce Golden * - Sonoma Round I

  9. Nancy and Doug Abbey ** - Richmond

  10. Nina Brown * - Farmer Outreach Fund

  11. Peter and Mimi Buckley * - Sonoma Round I

  12. Simone Otus Coxe * - San Mateo 

  13. Susan and David Tunnell ** - Salinas and San Diego

  14. Sally Calhoun and Esther Park * - Tri-County Pilot (Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito)

  15. Julie Abrams * - Farmer Outreach Fund

  16. Orrick Family Fund * - Fresno Round II

  17. Nancy Fields * - Farmer Outreach Fund

Foundations / Organizations

  1. Central Valley Community Foundation * - Fresno Round II

  2. Community Foundation of San Benito * - Tri-County Pilot (Monterey, Santa Cruz, San Benito)

  3. Anonymous *** - LA, San Jose/Santa Clara County, Marin, Sacramento

  4. Chilean Forests Preservation Fund *

  5. Philanthropic Ventures Foundation * - Fresno Round II

  6. Dewey Square Group * - Sacramento Round II 

  7. Taneja Family Foundation * - San Mateo 

  8. Cypress Creek Renewables *